Wedding | Ursula & Joseph | San Fernando Cathederal | San Antonio, TX
This wedding is special one for me...they're all special to me, but with this one...there is a bit more history since Joseph's Dad, Ron has been a long time friend and supporter of my photography for many years. Being a photographer himself, we used to sit around back in the old days at Methodist and talk camera gear, shooting techniques and prints in our spare time. Many other subjects came up, but photography was one of our great joys. Over time, we found out we had many other hobbies that we connected on, such as cycling and eating! Definitely cycling it was a great honor and a bit of an emotional moment for me when he called me one day to ask me if I would be available to shoot his son's wedding. No question, of course I would.
I think my most favorite moments from their wedding would be when Joseph saw Ursula for the first time during the first look. Right after the first look, they did Hero Six's 'fa-la-la-la' greeting! It was sweet and them being comfortable and just being themselves. Many other special moments like when her Dad gave her a kiss right before the ceremony and when Joseph gave his Dad a hug during the ceremony. Oh and the first dances...then the Father-Daughter dance and Mother-Son dance are always touching moments...
Big thanks to my second photographer and friend, Kevin Mai for travelling down to San Antonio to help me and a really big thanks to my friend Ron and Cindy for treating us like family. They made sure we were taken cared of the entire time. And last but not least, three cheers to Joseph and Ursula for entrusting us to being their on their special day!
If you're a guest and friend of the couple, please visit their wedding gallery and ask Joseph and Ursula for their password: